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Moses made a fiery brass serpent, and set it on a pole so that everyone who was a sinner, when he saw it, should live.  And as Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, so was Jesus the Messiah lifted up so that everyone who is a sinner and believes in Jesus will not perish, but have eternal life.


Books & Products

End of the World Game:

Alien Invasion

End of the World Game is the story of how one Christian
home educated unschooling family deals with and survives the realities of the End of the World. The first volume deals with an Alien Invasion, but if that isn't enough to end the world, then other disasters and catastrophes are sure to follow in the same hilarious manner because there is always another doomsayer trying to find a new way to End the World.

If all that fails, then playing the End of the World Game may make you die from laughter. Join this non-traditional unschooling family as they save the earth from aliens and humans alike.

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